How To Photograph Siblings
How to photograph siblings. In honor of national siblings day, lets discuss the ins and outs of photographing siblings. During my family sessions I always start by telling the kids that we are going to have fun together. No one wants forced smiles and boring photos. Sessions should be fun and full of life. How else will you get those great candid moments between members of the family?
A great place to start is with a game of tag. It’s great if Mom and Dad want to play tag too, but if not I like to give the kids a clear start point that happens to have great back lighting. As the kids run, I click away. Mostly they forget that I am there to photograph them. Running, jumping, hiding, and seeking are great for fun sibling photos. If the kids are having a great time together they are more likely to give the photographer their full attention.
It’s important that the siblings feel like you’re on their side and not there to force them into poses and make them smile for the camera. Sibling photo poses for me, are typically whatever placement I can convince them to fall in to. After some fun and games I’ll ask the kids if they can do me a favor and sit on my magic blanket or watch the silly faces Mom and Dad are making behind me. With two kids I like holding hand photos, with three I like a photos that have levels ( like a triangle), and with 4 or more I love a straight line or 4 plains if I can get it. Sitting siblings on separate plains can give your images more depth.