We're on the road and have been since Thursday. We're visiting Grandparents, Sisters, Cousins and In Laws in Ohio. On our car ride ( 10 hours with my Sunshine girl strapped down int he backseat) Matt mentioned that he hates the font I use on this blog. Well, well, well the truth comes to light. So we're trying this font, Georgia, instead.
We've been very blessed to spend some much needed quality time with Matt's family and Sunny has taken the Midwest by storm! She has even spent some of her time picking out Halloween costumes, what do you guys think of Sunny the Cowgirl? Or as a ballerina?
I'll upload some fun swimming pics and videos later. Let's just say that this weekend proved to me that my money was well spent on swim lessons this summer. Today we are off to breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa, and later Sunny's other cousins are coming over for a sleep over. I can't wait to post all of our vacation pics, and yes we are still working with the crappy camera! BUT we looked at a new camera and I think we're getting closer to capturing the memories of Sunny's infancy with something that resembles modern technology.