Sunny is walking. She walks everywhere all of the time.
Here’s what I love, I LOVE when she calls my name and then extends her arm so that we can walk and hold hands together. We walk through the kitchen, around the living room, through my office, and to the bathroom. We walk hand in hand up the street to her friend Noelle’s house ( the one who she stole the grapes from). We are buddies, me and my girl and now that she can walk- she’s even more fun then ever before.
Her wild hair blows in the wind that she generates from walking fast, hands extended in the air, eyes squinted shut, and laughing in hysterical giggles. She is a walker, hoping to become a runner, hoping apparently to run away from me.
NO- (you’re laughing!) Stephanie she will never ever leave you she LOVES you! We see the pictures, watch the videos- she will never leave you! Well I have news for you people, she already DOES leave me…and she doesn’t come back!
We made our way to Books & Babies at the local library. All of the regulars were there and Sunny appeared to be having a fantastic time. All of a sudden I hear a faint “Bye, Bye-Bye.” and when I swing around looking for Sunshine she’s not there. She had grabbed her free book (she gets a free book for attending B&B) and her hat and was walking down the hallway- ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I literally had to chase her down, bring her back ( kicking and screaming) while I put on my coat and grabbed my purse.
Then we were at our play date and she picked up her coat and hat and gave Noelle a kiss and hug and literally walked to the door! “Bye-bye, bye-bye Mama.”
Can you spell C-A-L-F-O-R-N-I-A this kid is on her way. Of course she’ll leave me for the west coast of course, this after I spent much of my day speaking to pregnant friends about the joys of working from home and taking care of my sweet baby girl who I’m so bonded with and so connected too…Don’t stay home ladies- they will move away regardless- your best bet is to never teach them to walk.