9 Month Old Sitter Session
What’s the best age to photograph a baby after their newborn session? 8-10 months is the perfect age for a sitter session. A sitter session is simply a photo session that captures your little one once they’re able to sit up and roll over on their own. That age ( 8-10 months) produces the most delicious pictures of your baby. It’s that quintessential baby age. Delicious, gummy, chubby, yummy, pink cheeked, wide eyed photos! Imagine a full wall of giant canvas prints with your baby’s bright eyes starring back at you! This age fades fast. At 12 months they are typically walking, running, and ready for a cake smash. To capture their babyhood, a sitter session is your best bet.
I have a giant 20 x 30 canvas of my youngest in the foyer of our home. She’s wearing a flower crown, and biting on her lower lip. She’s 8 months old in the photo and she still makes that same face at 20 months old. My guess is she will make that same face, forever! Or at least I really hope she does.
This 9 month old sitter session model is Ally. I’ve been lucky enough to know this baby since her birth and I’ve gotten watch her grow up to the perfect peanut you see before you today. Ally was a dream baby, full of sweet smiles and curious faces. Ally’s session was created here in my Glen Ridge, NJ studio.