There will come a day were I will be yelled at by my child for posting the following pictures of her to this blog- however at 2 years old even she sees the humor in her naked-ness. First of all this is exactly how every morning starts around here. You’ll note the hair, baby doll, socks and shoes. The only thing missing is her purse…
Our evenings are a bit more…x-rated, with sunny screaming “I’m naked! I’m naked!” and then “Take my picture!!!!!”
I know what you’re thinking, is this kid destined for the pages of Playboy someday? (Just kidding Matt) But don’t be fooled, the thought has certainly crossed our minds…
But then she picks up her faithful toothbrush and we’re back on track to becoming a dentist. (Hopefully not at a nudest colony)
Cheers to naked babies everywhere, for however long this phase last we will embrace it with photos and embarrassing blog post.