This weekend Sunny and I spent time with Mother Dear and lil' Goose. Goose is 2 going on 22 and was my practice baby for a long time before Sunny was born. Goose and Sunny are bestest friends and play so nicely together now that Sunny can crawl, sit up on her own, and take a few blows to the belly and head. Goose presents Sunny wth balls, dolls & toys, and occasionally feeds Sunny from her sippy cup and snack box. Mother Dear and I took the girls to a play and then had dinner together. There was a time about 12 years ago when I got to see Mother Dear every single day, running around the city with her, watching her complete my college term papers, and always ending up in some random club till some ungodly hour of the morning. And now here we are with our girls at the children's theatre of Manhattan, singing silly songs and making Ba-Ba's. I appreciate Mother Dear and her family for hosting Sunny and I all weekend while Matt was away.
In other news, and the topic of today's blog, there is a woman in Ohio who stole my daughters name! Let me explain.
My Sister in Law lives next door to a family that has two children and was ( until recently) preggers with number 3. Back in May, when we were there visiting, I happened to meet this family and strike up a conversation introducing them to Sunny ( whose real name is Gracen Rose). It was a normal day, a normal conversation, a forgettable moment all and all. Then yesterday I receive the news that this family had their third baby and it was a baby girl. My Sister in Law goes on to tell me that when she asked the name of the new baby they said "Gracen." My Sister In Law says, oh really? That's my nieces name, what's her middle name? They say: "Rose." WHAT?????WTF?????? Gee, says my Sister In Law, that's my nieces "WHOLE NAME." They apparently didn't know they stole my child's name, most likely thinking that they heard it randomly…or worse believing that they made it up. Now here's the thing, I didn't not invent the name Gracen. It is free for anyone who would like it. BUT WHO THE HELL STEALS A NAME AND THEN DOESN'T ADMIT TO IT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? At least have the balls heart to say "Yeah, we heard that name and we loved it, and we just had to STEAL THE ENTIRE NAME!"
I have been mad a few times in my life, a very very few times. In fact since Sunny was born I have not even experienced anger until yesterday!
So to you, lady who stole my daughters name, when I see you I'm going to demand an apology and curse you out until I'm blue in the face and then I'm going to tell you how wrong it is to steal a child's full name. I would write out my true feelings on this manner but I prefer my in laws to think of me as a nice and decent person.
The moral of this story folks, don't steal a name from a kid that you will see over and over and over again, and if you do at least admit to your theft!