Hello Friends. Thank you, each of you, for your sweet sweet thoughts on yesterdays post. My friends were very happy to see their names in lights! (I’m kidding- seriously kidding) Truthfully they should find a friend with some clout so they can all be recognized on a global platform.
We are visiting Nana & Papa in sunny SC and Sunshine is really not getting the hang of this walking on grass thing…I show her the grass, she opts for the sidewalk…
Now that’s a NYC girl right? Her Dad is somewhere beaming with pride. Only New Yorkers can really appreciate gravel and concrete.
Moving right along… scroll down (or up?) on your right hand side (see the not so small button) and SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG– some of you might have done this already and some of you did it when we were back at our old blog, but you have to re-do it because I’m still getting the hang of this website thing and frankly I made a few mistakes. So feel free to SUBSCRIBE to us, LIKE us, LOVE us, SHARE us, TWEET us; whatever I’m over Social Networking but its necessary and important and my kid has to eat- so there you have it.
Also, I have a new show that I’m SUPER EXCITED ABOUT.Have you seen adds on Lifetime for this show, COMING HOME! I’m warning you- you will cry. I’ve seen it 100 times and it makes me cry and I just can’t even start to tell you- so watch follow the link below.
Also, for those of you redecorating a house or planning a wedding I think you should check this out: http://www.theperfectpaletteblog.com So this lovely lady has this awesome blog where she pairs colors together. Here’s the thing you know how you’re getting married and you’re like I LOVE the color yellow but what the heck color goes with yellow and doesn’t make my wedding look like my high school band uniform? That’s were Perfect Palate comes in. I’m not planning a wedding and I don’t have a house to decorate but I go there for fun with colors, and though I’ve never met Perfect Palate- we are friends in my head and on Twitter.
And if you are getting married then please look at these great folks at http://www.jwjewelers.com You know how diamonds are scary but stunning and you want to make sure that you know what the heck you are buying and who you’re buying them from? Right, me too- that’s why I LOVE James & Williams Jewelers. They once created a beautiful diamond necklace for me when I was in desperate need of a little change to an old engagement ring I had- old life, different story- more on that another time.
And if you are looking to take a vacation or a honeymoon, or a get me heck out of the snowy-weathermoon then please visit here: www.casasandracostarica.com- Good clean fun- I should send you some photos so you can day dream, or you can just visit their very cool website. It’s sort of like watching House Hunters International.
Also, I found this adorable little food blog recently called Mangoes & Chutney- So if you’re reading this thinking whats for dinner tonight, search no further than….. http://www.mangoesandchutney.com
And now friends I have to go, because I took this photo and then my little one fell and busted her bottom lip open and she’s pissed because I gave her ice and hugs and then started returning emails and blogging- about her love of concrete. This is a bad mommy moment…gotta go.