The past 2 weeks have been filled with visitors. First Matt’s parents, then mine.
It was wonderful to have family around to love on Sunny; to share stories, and laughs, and exhaustion with.
We live nowhere near our families, this a fact, and will remain a fact for most of our lifetime I would assume. It’s a little sad- in that Sunny only knows her Grandparents through visits and not by everyday drop ins. That’s how I grew up and this is how she will grow up- that’s the way it is. That being said I think she is blessed to have memories with her Grandparents at all, and more so becuase they are so different form one another.
Matt’s parents are calm and easy. They’re only request included seeing the giant two story Costco I spoke to them about and spending time with Sunny. They wake up at a reasonable hour, enjoy their days without tv, and for whatever reason enjoy talking with me and answering my most pressing questions.
My parents are busy. They wake up early (4:30am), make their own coffee, and MUST excercise daily. They want to see everything, go everywhere, and always with Sunny. We enjoy impromptu dance parties ( at this point Sunny believes that her Nana is a professional party starter) and my father ( who NEVER cooked dinner once in his entire life) happens to be an awesome BBQ-er.
The point is that they are complete oppisties and it kind of works. It’s interesting becuase Sunny carries the charactristics of both. She wakes up a bit late (8:00am) but MUST get out of the house immediatly. She HAS to go somewhere every single day and would like to see everything and everyone. She is brilliant but loves to dance. She doesn’t watch tv ( believe me I try), enjoys quite conversation and “reading” her books, but can not stand to sit still.
I have said over and over again that I honestly think living away from our parents is a good thing. It gives us a chance to formulate our own family without to much influence, but who we are, is a collection of who they are and even hundreds of miles away we are a part of them and they are a part of us and it took all 6 of us to create one totally amazing kid.