That's right, you read that correctly. This weekend Sunny had piggy tails for about 10 minutes. It was just enough time for me to take 12 photos of our hair progress.
Last week we got Sunny's toddler seat for her Orbit Stroller. I ADORE Sunny's stroller and fully recommend it to anyone who is having a baby and looking for a stroller system. Sunny likes to lounge in her stroller, eat from it's snack tray, and now demands to sit up right or lat down depending on the time of day.
In other news my girlfriend Nora's birthday party was on Saturday. This afforded Matt and I an excuse to get out ad leave Sunny with a sitter.
Nora had a lovely party and now that she and her sister are both pregnant at the same time I had a blast comparing bellies ( mind you they both look like models!) and talking babies. I can't wait for the new baby to come, I will be at the hospital as soon as Nora gives me the okay and I will attempt to steal the new baby as mine seems to have grown up and is trying to walk…away from me. I'm so amazed at the process of having a child. I realize that I too was once pregnant and absolutely HATED it, but somehow watching Nora carry the new baby makes me all sentimental and goo goo eyed.