This past holiday weekend my best friend(s) brought their family of four to visit us here in the Garden State. I’ve known Andrea and Michael for 20 years now and like all of my closest and dearest and greatest friends- when I see their faces I’m instantly home.
It’s been more difficult in this season of life, to visit for extended periods of time. Usually it’s a shower or wedding that brings us in town with one another- but occasionally it’s just because we miss each other so much and have to have some one-on-one & face-to-face time.
I’m so grateful for their life long friendship and to them for taking the time out of their packed schedule to add value to my families life with their presence. Watching their two beautiful babies walk around my house and play with my babies, filled my heart with a joy that is hard to put into words. I studied those two little people with a keen eye watching mini michael and mini andrea fitted with the face of their parents and carrying on their helpful, sweet, and committed ways. If it’s true that apples don’t fall far from their trees, then the world is in for an awesome treat.
I pride myself on accepting the advice of people who have lived more life than myself. I heard that on your death bed you might list your regrets and the number one regret is always- wishing one had spent more time with ones family instead of at work. I can tell you that, that very thought shapes the way I spend my time and my days. The number two regret? Not telling the people that you love how you feel about them while you have this time with them.
The day I met Andrea I didn’t like her. She was at my friends locker freshman year and she introduced herself and I just couldn’t like her- I’m a jealous friend. Later that week she invited me over ( third wheel style) and it was instant love. She took me to my first college football game. She hosted my first bach. party (Michael cooked all of the food), she slept next to me the night before my first wedding, and she cried with me when it all fell apart. She shared her best friends with me- and now they’re my friends too. We’ve been to Vegas together, pregnant together, and (now)motherhood together too. Once when their first baby was a tiny baby I came for a visit. He woke up several times in the middle of the night and Andrea and I sang “Is This Love?” to him over and over until he fell back asleep. If I was writing my life story she’d be an entire chapter.
So when they left our home there were tears. Every time I’ve walked away from them, there have been tears. It’s that little part of me that will always keep my heart with their heart. They’re what my memories are made of.
Thank you for coming Andrea and Michael. I keep you in my heart, across 4 states and across all of time.