Nope, not just her tush.
My Sunshine LOVES friends and that’s what this last week of being isolated ( thank you 800 inches of snow) taught me.
When Noelle came over for a short visit it was like watching a cactus receive a drop of water.
“Do-Dwell, Do-DWELL” she would say. As if to imply “where were you? Why didn’t you come over before? Do you know this Lady has kept me inside this damn house for 5 days straight?”
The minute a friend appears I am no longer necessary. I’m more of an accesory, “Oh her? Yeah, she’s cool- that’s my Mama I play with her when their’s no one else to play with.”
Tantrums have taken on a new look to. Sunny can now say “Why?” So when I take things away from her she first says “Why?” then I, like an idiot, explain why she can not digest a bottle of baby lotion, the diaper genie refills, or the broom! Then she flys into “Why?!?!?!” and straight to flat back on the floor. I step right over her- she can get up, she chooses not to, but she can get up!
At one point we were so desperate for the sun to shine on our faces that I took Sunshine on a walk to the park- I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve had better ideas! This is what the park looked like….
But WE can have fun anywhere and happiness is a choice- so WE chose to be happy and play in the snow filled park! I like that about us 🙂
This weekend was relaxing. Once we finally got the car out from under the snow we snuck over the Nora’s house and visited RORY! Matt got to hold him, I got to hold him, Sunny got to squeeze him. It was lovely and then we went home!
Today FINALLY we are heading out of this house and to Mommy and Me Yoga, where we will see FRIENDS! Thank you Jesus for friends! Apparently more snow is on its way- so we will spend all of today out and about. Happy Monday!!!!