Here’s what’s great about 22 months, new words and phrases.
For instance when something won’t work my Sunny will say ” Mama, dis broken! You fix?”
When we get in the car she says “Mama, you get gas?” and will always ask me “Mama, who dis?” As in whose this singing on the radio? Then I will tell her “This, is the party people!” And then she’ll say “Party People!!!! La, La, La…”
She sings along to all of her favorite songs. But the BEST is when she already knows who sings the songs, for instance she will sing, “It’s been a long time….GAGA!!!! Dis GAGA!” or “I dee only girl in da world… Ri-hana! Dis Ri-hana Mama!”
I no longer let her listen to rap songs, but she can identify Nikki & Drake- but sadly never knows Jay-Z.
Also great about 22 months, is she LOVES clothes, make-up, baby dolls, and her entourage of stuffed animals. That’s all I have to say. I could write a book about what’s not so great about 22 months old- but it’s Halloween and I’m feeling like celebrating the small victories. She’s counting, identifying all of her letters, playing with puzzles, and sassing her parents into shape. She’s brilliant like her father and smart mouthes like her Mother and if you ask her what she’s going to be when she grows up she will tell you ” a girl.”
I have plenty of little mouse photos form this weekend, and tonight we’ll be attending the Brooklyn Halloween parade- need more coffee.
Oh Monday- you silly silly little day.