This weekend we finally got around to taking both of the kids to the pumpkin patch.
It’s brilliant to watch little kids pet donkey’s and squeal over hay rides. They believe all farms have cute little baby animals who eat carrots and love humans. It’s all very clean and cute.
I’m not sure Saint was as impressed as Sunny, but generally speaking he looks to her to see how he should feel about most things. This includes but is not limited to- travel, school work, books, dinner, and strangers.
They were good sports about letting me steal some photos of them- which is a never ending experiment that they’ve adjusted to over time. Not a moment of their life can go by without a camera in their face. I assume this is true for most kids of this generation, the difference is their parents probably aren’t asking them to explore an abandoned corn field because the lighting is so pretty.
I find that at this age Sunny is a lot more cooperative than her brother. She’s more likely to pose or point out to me how beautiful the light is. I do very much love this about my girl. This is why you’ll see more posed photos of Sunny than Saint. I try to keep it equal, but it often isn’t.
This season of life is a lot of fun. Sunny is excited for Halloween and Saint is excited, because Sunny tells him to be.
This is how Saint dances, in case you were wondering.
He was dancing because we told him he could have apple cider doughnuts…
The boy loves sugar.
Meanwhile….back at our house, Sunny and I had an impromptu photo shoot.
If you’re considering family photos, aim for evening light. It’s soft and beautiful and makes everything and everyone look very whimsical. (A flowered headband doesn’t hurt either)
Happy (almost) Halloween. #fallphotos