We had a camera when I was pregnant. A pink Sony Cyber- Shot, it was fine but we wanted better. At the time we were taking weekly photos of my expanding belly and noticing that while cute" and "functional" it didn't give us that HD we might be professional photographers and you just don't know it yet flavor.
So as a "so sorry you're still pregnant and carrying our child, and unable to eat anything that has a bit of flavor or color to it and you're getting so large that you take up all of the room on the couch and in our bed, but I still love you so much" present, Matt bought me a new better camera.
We took new better camera to Vermont and we discovered that new better camera takes panoramic photos. So we thought, we LOVED new better panoramic camera, but we thought wrong.
New better camera is a mirage. Sure it's sleek and strong with a panoramic feature, but what it's not is good at taking photos. Gracen moves to quick, the camera clicks to slow and the image quality leaves oh so much to be desired.
So now we're in the market for a new camera, a better camera, a non sleek, strong, or fancy little camera. We need a clunky, big, digital, and dare I say it expensive camera. Or moments like this, will be captured in a less than perfect quality resulting in a less than happy me!