Last night I called Sunny “my best friend.” It went something like this…
Me: Goodnight Best Friend
Her: Mommy!!! I’m not your best friend I’m your daughter.
Me: Okay goodnight best friend and daughter
Her: MOM-MEEEE, I’m Gracen. Your daughter. Remember?
Me: Can’t you be both?
Her: No! I can be your daughter and you can be my Mommy and that’s it. Okay? Good night.
And that in essence, is my problem. I believe by telling her now, I can make it so in the future. I do it with both of my kids. I tell the boy he’s the greatest man to ever walk the face of the Earth ( he’s not even 2 yet but I already know this is true). I tell the girl she’s the smartest girl who ever lived and my best friend. I tell them both we’ve known each other before we ever met each other and that I’m amazed my heart beat for 28 years without them physically walking next to me.
I think the boy gets me. He’s willing to buy any story I sell as long as there’s hugs, kisses, snuggles, and cake. Yesterday a woman in line said hi to him and he reached out for her. I had to explain to the woman that my son honestly believes everyone wants to cuddle with him- he’s been told so…by me..every day. He bought it. He’s terrible with boundaries and like some small pack animal, will invite anyone into the group.
The girl on the other hand- she’s really practical and has very clear cut boundaries ( I know this because I cross them far to often). In her world everything has an order, an explanation, a title, and a reason. She often doubts my stories and is rarely impressed or entertained by me. She makes me work harder. She often feels like the only adult in this house. I asked Matt last night if he thinks, she likes me.
I have two kids who could not be more opposite from one another or better made for each other.
He is the bungee and she is the cord. Just when I think she’ll never let go, relax, have fun, do something that a kid ( not an adult) would do- she dances in the rain. She splashes in a puddle. She dumbs herself down for my pure entertainment- and just like that she’s mine.