Hello and Welcome! If you’re viewing this blog post then you’ll noticed we’ve moved to a bigger and better space.
Can’t you feel the difference? Look at this breathing room? If this website were a house, this would be the part where I show you that I can stretch my out my arms and not touch both walls.
This feels good. It feels more grown up and a whole lot more like me. I’m proud of this new space.
Using the titles above you can view our little films, my photography portfolio, and pricing information. I hope you’ll pass this website along to your friends and family.I plan on sharing a lot more photos here and on our facebook page and instagram, if you like my work then please share it.
It’s wonderful to meet new people and share in their story. Visit the About Me page to learn more about me and my family, and visit the Contact Us page to share more with me about you and your family.
As far as my little love story goes, oh my, I have so much to catch everyone up on! The next post will be a ’round up, until then look around our new space and make yourself at home.