This holiday break gave me a chance to finally complete a film I’ve been working on for quite a while now.
Jude turns 18months old this week, but it’s never too late to edit his first year of life in video clips & photos to create his first year video. You’ll recall I created one for Gracen, and since that time countless other families have celebrated their child’s first year with Little Love Stories.
It’s very easy for me to take your cell phone, flip cam, and high def footage and create family documentaries, gifts, and biographies. It’s very hard for me to edit my own kids lives & our family life into a video. When you’re “in it” you’re of it, it’s not until you step out of it that you can see it for what it is.
I urge you to film a few seconds of your kids and family life every week. Preserve your footage, cherish it, and back up your computer files. This is your record, your memories, your life unfolding- This is The Story Of You.
This is my Baby’s First Year Video. Jude’s First Year Video.