When you live away from your family, you create a family with the people around you. We are very lucky to have my brother and JC just a few miles up the road, and we are luckier still to have JC’s parents and sister in the New York area. They come down to New Jersey for frequent visits; fixing what needs to be fixed, sharing a meal, stories, and the stress of planning a wedding. For Matt, myself, and the kids they are our family too; the excitement of Jodi’s engagement is our excitement too. That’s what family is right? It’s the people who cheer the loudest, who share in your happiness, and who attack you with kisses and hugs when you walk through the door. They also happen to be the people you can be yourself with, without explanation.
I was very lucky to photograph the energy that is my sister-in-law Jodi and her (soon to be) husband Adam. They make the worlds greatest cookies, give the worlds BEST hugs, and every time I see them I never want them to leave.
Matt helped me build my own photo booth. You need a guy like Matt on your team when you have a mind that moves as quickly as mine. I’m always coming up with off the wall ideas with no means to execute them. Matt will listen to these ideas and then he makes stuff happen. I love that about him. And I LOVE these confetti photos!
A special thanks to Jodi & Adam for having me. I love our little family, and I love you both with all my heart.