First of all, it’s not my announcement to make but I’ll do it anyway.
On Saturday Nora FINALLY had the baby. Everyone welcome RORY!!!!!!!!
He’s as cute and snugly as his name suggest. I was fortunate to get to hold him for one glorious hour and I can’t wait for our next snuggle. Mother and baby are doing great- to see Nora with Rory was the most natural and beautiful thing in the world. Rory is calm and cool and handsome like his brother and father, a silent little spirit ready for action.
I didn’t steal him, I thought about it, verbalized it, but I managed to hand him back to his mother without incident. If babies weren’t so darn tough to make I’d have 19 like Mrs. Duggar. Newborns are simply intoxicating- especially when they are as cute and lovable as Rory.
I don’t have a photo for you. I have to wait until Nora sends out an album, gives me permission, and gets so busy at home that she stops reading this blog and then I can publish all the photos I want of her and her stunning boys! Don’t worry I give it till the end of this week and then we’ll be able to publish almost anything, because she’s going to be very very busy!
We love his name, love his presence, adore his parents and big brother. We’re so honored to be a part of his life.
In other news, its been cold and gross and grosser here in Brooklyn.
So we’ve been doing A LOT of home based activities. Sunny’s favorite is called Make Mommy Push Me Around The House In My Plastic Car! We have to stop often for gas and for extra pairs of sunglasses!
We also made these yummy yummy girls scout cookies- has everyone seen this recipe from the kind folks at Babble?
Here’s the recipe in case you missed it:
Mine look just like theirs right? RRRIIIGGGHHHHTTTT…..
Try them they are delicious! Today is work and Books & Babies- This will be our first books and babies with my new little walking girl. Hopefully she actually walks and doesn’t default to crawling….she does that a lot!