Today Sunny and I headed to a park on the Upper West Side. We met with our playgroup and allowed the babies to play in the sand and in the lazy river. Then we pulled out three blankets ( well two blankets and a sheet that I brought) and laid them all down for what turned out to be an impromptu lets teach Sunny to crawl session. I paid $40.00 for parking and we headed back to Brooklyn.
I made the mistake of opening bills. I hate bills. In my other life I'm a Production Manager where I account for my clients bills, pay them, invoice them, and move on with my life. I see numbers so large and shocking I'm often thinking to myself, this company makes that kind of money? Holy Cow. I really wish our new electricity bill belonged to one of my clients and not to us. So, this evening we hightailed it to a local bodega where we played a few scratch of tickets. I went there with the intention of playing " for life" but that cost $10.00 per ticket, so I decided to go with the $1.00 games. I won $1.00 then, in the end, lost $3.00.
Matt has asked me repeatedly to thank God for the ability to pay our bills. He is right but I hate the electric company and would like to point out that air conditioning during a heat wave is not a luxury but necessity! My friend Jill likes to say we have "champagne problems." Truthfully she has champagne problems I have "Prosecco Problems." For those of you who don't know, that would be cheap champagne or really Boones Farm with bubbles.
I would now like to thank God for the healthy of my child, the brain in my head, and the shoes on my feet. I would like to also take this time to thank God for all of the new clients being sent my way and my Prosecco Problems.