Well, hi there!
Here we are at the half way point.
This baby has already elevated my happiness, and is sure to make our world a richer place. My wish, before conceiving this little person, was that I would experience the world more fully. Though my Sunshine girl will always be my first born, this little person will be my second chance. I love second chances.
I laugh daily, hourly sometimes. Things that I never found amazing before are suddenly spectacular. My husband is funnier, my two year old is a master of silly jokes, and the world of politics is simply hilarious as I see it.
This baby moves and moves and moves. At our 20 week examine the technician told us that our baby was the busiest she’d seen all day. As a consequence we now are the proud owners of 8 photos where this kid looks like a flash of light rather than a baby. At one point it’s kidneys flip flopped from one side of my belly to the other. The technician, was however, careful to tell us that in the end the baby cooperated fully- even if it’s little body couldn’t contain itself. We got our measurements, have a healthy child, and past every test. We are so blessed.
This pregnancy has gone by so fast already. I can not believe that 20 weeks from now this little person will be in my arms. Somehow yesterday’s exam made it all the more real. There is a baby, a life, a human who will be coming into our home and occupying my daughters crib. It suddenly occurred to me at 3 am that I have no nursery planned out, no new clothes to offer, and actually…no home either. Here’s what we do have- big open hearts, a lot of love to give, and a temporary bassinet in case it’s big sister won’t give up her crib.
20 weeks and counting….