This weekend Chris and JC helped fancy up my backyard ( before and after pics to come).
Thank God for my boys, for spring gardening weather, for a little lady who loves shovels and watermelon slices, and my hubby who puts up with all of us.
Sunday morning went a little bit like this.
Me: You got her?
Matt: Who?
Me: G
Matt: What do you mean?
Me: I’m picking the boys up, going to Lowes, and re-doing the backyard, okay? And you need to watch G.
Matt: Okay…I have a soccer game at 11am…will you be back?
Me: Ummmmm….I’ll try….I mean…okay.
We’re still married- I got home in time for Matt to get to his game.
We grilled out, ate ribs ( Matt makes delicious grilled food with our smoker) and Sunny ate her first hot dog. Actually that’s the first piece of meat she has ever eaten- very exciting.
It’s been 4 days and my garden is still alive- in fact its budding and growing and gorgeous! I’ll share pics soon.
This afternoon is my dress fitting with the boys…God willing I will leave A+O with my self esteem and self respect still in tact!