Okay so the cookie post never got posted. I feel really bad about this however, just know as you pound your fist to the heavens, that I am living with some sort of virus, flu-like, super power.
Yesterday consisted of dropping Sunny off at my neighbors house so that I could lay down! Oh yes, you read that right- I the girl who doesn’t nap- had to nap for most of the day. Mind you in my better moments I managed to sweep, vacuum, and then mop the floors. I have no choice. My cleaning lady found a full time job, my parents are due here in a few hours, and they’re coming to celebrate Christ birth- not watch me sleep in my sick bed while pawning Sunny off on the neighbor. Christmas is supposed to shine, to sparkle, and excite. It’s supposed to be bright and cheery and joyful. Here at casa-la-sick-Mama we’re looking more like road kill then glitter. Its as if we lost our housekeeper, cook, and nanny. My poor husband has had two straight nights of Domino’s pizza and my Sunshine girl has eaten more peanut butter and jelly then should be legal for a one year old.
Yesterday was my last sick day-the show must go on and I must make Christmas sparkle. If I have the time I might even post the cookie recipe. Stay tuned….