Saint had his very first fever this weekend.
It’s sad when any baby is sick- sadder when it’s your happiest baby.
Since he doesn’t cry- to hear him cry and whine and fight sleep all night long, was a first for us. We haven’t spent a night trapped in our room with a crying, sick baby since….well our last crying baby. We made the best of it, watching The Office and singing gospel tunes. It’s all you can do when you have a sick little one, sing to the Lord and beg for the fever to break. (and call the doctor at 1am and get dressed for the hospital when it hits #onehundredandfivedegrees and then get told your ear temp might be wrong.
Here he is the next morning wrapped in my bath robe…
And here we are at the doctors office- it stinks to have a sick boy, but the cuddles are amazing.
His sister had bigger fish to fry, we can’t have a Sunday without IHOP.
And once the fever broke he started eating oranges and, everything else ,like a mad man.
This boy is the reason we’ll soon be joining Costco.
It’s worth mentioning he’s sitting up now. #secondchild, no one even noticed till we placed him down and he didn’t fall backwards.