When Sunny was a infant she slept in the bed with Matt and I.
Some of you are horrified by that last sentence…don’t worry there is nothing you are thinking that hasn’t been said to us.
“Aren’t you afraid you’re going to roll over on her?” “Is that safe?” “You’ll never get her out!” The answer to those questions are, No, No, and we got her out when it was time and she was ready.
Now to each his or her own, I certainly don’t think co-sleeping is for everyone, but I miss it. I miss that time, and I’ll be happy to co-sleep with my next infant when that time comes.
Sunny has been a bit under the weather due to a new molar breaking through so for her that means lots of extra Mama and Daddy time and for us at 2:30 in the morning – that means bring the kid in here and let her work it out time.
These next pics are a bit personal, I thought twice before posting them because some of you are my clients and this blog often delves into the personal but to me, these pics are also really beautiful and a symbol of how quickly a moment can pass and the reason you hire me to capture them right? After all she won’t always want to climb in our bed 🙁 and she won’t always be small enough to fit between my thighs and rest her head on my chest.