Dear Saint,
Today you rolled over for the first time. You rolled from your belly to your back and the look of pure joy on your face was worth the risk of letting you do it. Like most things with you, there is no extreme, there is just you.
I marvel at how happy you truly are. You have this demeanor that is so calm and so beautiful and so angelic- your cause and effect is melodic. I hope, my sweet boy, that you always look at me the way that you look at me now. I feel like we have a secret that we aren’t telling. You’re all curves and soft edges, a type of quite power, a kind of rhythm that feels like when you hear your favorite song on the radio, louder, Louder, LOUDER until its energy becomes yours.
I could never have dreamed you up Judeboy. I could never have dreamed you up. You make life better. You make me better. You are a healer and a peacemaker and a silent scream. I close my eyes and thank God for the experience of you.