Did you watch? Lifetime has a new show called Coming Home and if you haven’t seen it- I’m asking that you do, you can watch it on demand- it’s heart warming.
When Matt comes home at night Sunny hears his keys jingle first, then the door chimes. She sucks in her breath and whispers “Da-Da.”
When he was away in Europe and called to say hello it prompted a full meltdown, complete with screaming, kicking, and eventually led to a short rest period in her crib- she couldn’t handle hearing him but not seeing him. Her Da-Da comes home night after night and still the effect of not seeing him for the majority of the day has a surprising effect on our 1 year old.
That’s why when I watched Coming Home I feel my heart sink for the children whose Dad’s are busy defending our freedoms. I feel gratitude toward them, and empathy for the families who go day after day without certain members of their family. Their sacrifice certainly does not gain enough attention or respect. I sat there with tears streaming; I am reduced to tears watching a 7 year old talk about his love of his Da-Da and maybe more heart warming a high school senior balling his eyes out upon seeing his Da-Da. I’m sure as the series goes on we will see Mama’s that have gone to serve this country leaving their little ones home, to protect and serve others. I will tell you right now I am not made of army material. I could not EVER leave my Sunshine, nor do without my husband for a full year. These are strong people, people. I see those ads on tv where they say “talk to your kids about their decision to join the army” and my first instinct is to turn the channel. Noble, amazing, strong, better than me- every single military family! That conversation would result with me in a hospital with the vapors…I’m not made of what our troops are which is why I am so grateful to every single one of them AND their amazing families.
In other news- have you guys seen this website? Go here: www.stumbleupon.com
Okay so on this site you can search or stumble upon anything that makes you happy. You like food blogs? Little Love Stories? Funny videos? Quotes? Martha Stuart? Stumble upon will first ask you to tell them your interest- then you start to stumble! It will give you site after site after site- I warn you it’s pretty addictive. I’m like stumble crazy- I stumble, press the “like” button, and then keep stumbling. In truth I’m not even sure I like the sites I told stumble I like- because the idea is that you stop stumbling and explore new websites- but I like to just sit there are see what Stumble Upon comes up with! Anyway we’re on there and you should be too- just because its fun, its not facebook, and you might learn something….or you can just stumble stumble stumble- like me. You can fllow friends that stumble- but I tried and I only have 1 friend out of 400 that stum ble- so I have no one to follow and see what they like to “stumble upon.” So get on there and stumble and then I’ll get to see what you like and you get to see what I like…ahhhh I feel like our relationship has really gotten serious you guys- I like going steady with you 🙂