I’m a little behind., BUT if you’re a client of mine, that’s because I’ve been working over time on client work/projects.
Christmas this year was my most favorite Christmas EVER! This was the first year Sunny really “got” the whole Santa thing. She sang every song & knows every word.
She was ready for Santa- her cookies, her list, her fireplace, her spirit.- she was SOOOOOO ready for Christmas this year.
My parents came up, as they always do. We had the Willoughby traditional meat fondue Christmas Eve and then we packed up the babies and headed to a candle light mass at a new to us Church in town. I couldn’t help but cry during Silent Night while holding my babies and candles and parents and husband, praying for families not as fortunate as ours. But like most prayer I prayed for us too- does everyone do that? It goes a little something like, Dear God please help so and so and so and so and so and so and thank you for my family and my babies and keep us healthy and the list goes on.
Back at the ranch, Santa stayed up until 3:30am putting together the gifts that this little elf mulled over night after night after night. (The same gifts that this little elf (me) had a literal- meltdown in the aisle of Toys R Us, there was crying- lots of crying. How are you out of bikes? You Mother F—ers.)
Anyhow I was up at 5:30 am ready and armed with two cameras, only to be greeted downstairs by my Dad who apparently also couldn’t wait for Christmas morning, then my Mom.
The three of us sat there like stalkers waiting for Sunny to wake up.
FINALLY at 8:30 am she made her way down the stairs only to look at our newly rearranged living room like this…
She. Is. Priceless.
Later my brother and Jazzy came over with Jazzy’s full family and we celebrated some more in what I like to refer to as, Christmas, Round II.
There was singing. Don’t believe me? Please see below.
There was hugs and love and laughter and dancing.
Our first year in our new house with our big family and our new baby and our big girl- wishes come true and dreams become reality and I wish I could. Just. Stop. Time.
I do not know what I will do when my babies aren’t babies any more, but I’m loving the hell out of my babies being babies right now. I’m loving the hell out of them.