I forgot to post my birthday pics…there’s just been so much going on.
We spent the day in Philly at the PLEASE TOUCH! Museum. If you are near the area ( about 2 hours from Jersey) it’s an amzing museum with so much to offer toddlers and kids.
A close friend asked me very sweetly, if spending the day in a kids museum is what I wanted to do for MY birthday- I explained to her that when your kids are happy, you are happy- and so yes, this is how I wanted to spend MY birthday.
One of the features there is this Alice In Wonderland world- it’s amazing, although Sunny found it a bit scary.
She preferred the gym.
On our way out of Philly the little people napped and Matt and I grabbed a Philly Cheesesteak, they are as good as one might imagine. So good in fact, that I didn’t have a free hand to take a picture of us stuffing our faces. When we got back home we had cake and ice cream and that is how you celebrate a birthday….with a 2 year old and 12 week old. Bam! Bidened. (inside joke)