I have always adored Christmas but I truly have lost my mo-jo this year! Yes we have the tree up, yes Santa has been very generous to Sunny this year, and yes my house is decorated for the holiday but no we have no Christmas card and no my house is not ready for my Mom and Dad’s visit.
In fact my parents coming up next week is about the only thing I’m currently looking forward to and not for the reasons you might think. Sure its great to have them here, I adore them! But I can’t wait for them to come to my house and fix things. There is a hallway in this house that is simply out of control. I do not have the energy or the the patience to deal with the over crowded hallway that has now become our “just shove it in the hallway”, hallway. How festive right? How Christmasie!
Plus I find it very hard to concentrate on the Holiday knowing that in about a month my friend Nora will be delivering a new baby! You guys should see Nora she is super Mom. We spent tuesday together in Westchester Mall with the babies. I watched her walk around pregnant with a one year old hopping from store to store buying gifts, entertaining Aidan and Sunny, picking up sippy cups 500 times, and never once did she complain. In fact when it was lunch time I had to ask her if she was hungry. Apparently she has a feeding tube, because the woman never ask to sit down, use the restroom, or eat and she’s due in like 4 weeks. She’s like a ninja you guys! I strive to be just like her when I grow up.
I can’t wait to hold new baby. In fact knowing that new baby is on the way is really inspiring me to get through the Holidays. Mine got all big and one year oldie- so Nora has perfect timing! Thank you so much for having new baby Nora, its really making this “Sunny turned one” thing way easier on me 🙂
***Side Notes, the waiter thought Sunny’s name was Kristen, hence Happy Birthday Kristen written in chocolate. He was so sweet but sooo wrong. ***
***Special thanks to Super Mom Nora who sent me these pics!***