On October 26th Matt and I will be married for one year! Yes, yes bust out the champagne and strawberries. ( Just don't do the math)
I am worried that I will forget this very significant date, as my days fill so quickly with thoughts of spit up, talking, crawling, and play dates. It is pathetic, but I honestly am afraid I will forget to tell him how much I appreciate him.
Being married to Matthew is a pleasure and an honer.
He is good, he is kind, he is fair, and he is patient. He is smart ( way to smart for me), honest, disciplined, and gentle hearted.
He see's the good in every single human being, loves people he's never met, and has dedicated his life to being a voice for the voiceless.
He is the Wizard in our Story of Oz.Behind the scenes he works tiredlessly so that I can work from home and spend my days with Sunny.
He has gifted me my greatest joy, my reason for waking, my dream come true; my Sunny.
There is no love like the love he has shown me, and a long long time from now when Sunny is grown and out of the house it will be me and my Matthew once again.
We only had 3 months together before her, but as it turns out that's all you need to reach forever.
I would like to now to thank you Matthew Willoughby for choosing me, choosing this crazy life, and always reminding me that I am special, smart, and influential in your eyes.
I love you with all of my heart and I thank God every single day for you. You who came after the storm. You who stood with me at every doctors appointment for 10 months. You who married me on a mountain top in Vermont with a Shaman as our host and witness. You who breathed life into me when I thought life had escaped me…. You, who bought the worlds worst manufactured couch with me 🙂 You, who I adore and love and above all respect. (You, who never reads this blog and will probably see this a day or two late.)
You are my ticket to heaven, my baby daddy, my best buddy, and my first line of defense.
I am better because you love me. I love our little love story.
PS. Please accept this small public note in lue of a card and gift.