Someone asked me about Sunshine the other day, they wanted to know how she’s doing with all of the changes.
You know that saying, Love is not an emotion, it’s an ability. If that is true then my daughter is so very able. To Sunny her brother is this tiny human who needs to see, touch, and view every single fascinating discovery she has ever made in her 2.5 years. “Look at this with your eyes. It’s playdough! You want some?” “Watch me do jumping class…ta da!!!!!!!” “Do you want your binky? Okay, I get it for you! I’m your big sister!”
She treats sisterhood like it’s her job; she’s always on time and does her best to impress her bosses. Matt bathes the kids together after dinner and then Saint lays with Matt and Sunshine every night for a story before bed. She thinks it’s just great that her brother will lay in her bed, and encourages me to leave her alone with him every morning. She assures me that she will “pick him up and rock him” if there are any problems…which is why I rarely leave them in the same room alone.
She gives him plenty of kisses and hugs and squeezes. We use the word careful and gentle interchangeably; she is many wonderful things but subtle and light on her feet is not one of them. At church over the weekend the priest said the words “I lead with Grace” – I do too. I always lead with my Gracie Girl.