Blog family please welcome Michael Joseph to our little reading group, he is the son of my friends Susan and TJ.
My friend Susan went into labor two weeks early after getting off of the phone with me- it seems to be a pattern. Want a baby in 38 weeks or less? Call me on the phone, hang up, then call me back when your water breaks or the doctor sends you rushing to the hospital. Susan, has spent her entire life wanting to be a Mommy. When we were 13 she was all about romance novels, true love, and babies. I wanted girls, she wanted boys- and it seems as though most dreams do come true- because here we are now. And because she knows me so well (and loves me in spite of it) she called when her water broke, texted every new centimeter, and texted one last time to let me know that she was at 10 and would be pushing soon. She sent 16 photos of Michael right away and promises more. If you call her she’ll pick up and if you blog about her- she’ll probably read it. She’s the most “with it” new Mom I’ve ever encountered and I’m sure I’ll now start calling her for advice on my nearly 2 year old 🙂
In other news, guess whose not a baby? That’s right- she’s tall ( off the charts according to the doctor), she’s talking in 3 word sentences, and has re-discovered a new love of all things tu-tu.
In the past year we have seen the arrival of some pretty important people Rory, Jack, and Michael. They won’t be wearing tu-tu’s any time soon, but if they come to visit us they may be forced to play tea party, dollies, and/or “I’m the queen of the universe you better do everything I say.”
This week we are enjoying our vacation. Be back soon with new pics!