With so many friends pregnant, it got me to thinking about my own first days with Sunshine.
The beginning was a magical time for me and my Sunshine girl. She was so small and perfect, I could have starred at her for the rest of time, and it still wouldn’t have seemed long enough. She has grown up so much since the very beginning and so have I.
Though I miss her as a tiny little infant, we had so much time together in those early months that I feel like I really got to soak her infancy in. I have to admit I have a little bit of pregnancy jealousy…not because I want another baby but because my baby will no longer be the baby. So, like any grieving, slightly obsessive, and very crazy mother, I went digging for some video clips.
Take my advice you mothers-to-be out there, pictures are wonderful but to videotape your baby is priceless. Nothing else gives you that feeling of perfection like a well executed video of your tiny, perfect, baby. And if you can remember to do so take some video of them moving in your belly. You will forget what those jabs and movements feel like, but your footage will take you right back to the moment that they kicked or got their little foot caught in your rib cage. Speak to your little man/woman often, read them a story when you can, and if possible try to practice gratitude.
Last night I had a dream that Nora had her baby and it was a girl. When I text her this morning to tell her she said “we shall see.” She doesn’t believe my prediction because I think everyone is having a girl and I thought her son was a girl. She then asked me if in my dream I stole the baby and took her home with me. I had to laugh because Nora knows me so well, but actually, this time, I didn’t. I held her baby and then I went home to mine. Nora is probably relieved, I’m pretty sure until today I was on the “do not let this crazy bitch up in my hospital room” list. Now I’m just on the “do not let this crazy bitch up in my hospital room without Matt’s supervision” list. Love you Nora!