This weekend Matt and I are going to a wedding out of town and Sunshine will be spending the holiday weekend with her Uncles.
I am not worried about Sunny but I am deeply concerned for the sanity of her Uncles.
They hate to hear her cry, buy her everything that she picks up, and while they’ve babysat hundreds of times before, an overnight might be asking too much.
So she and I had a little talk yesterday over a snack. It went something like this:
ME: “Mama and Daddy are going to go bye bye and you are staying with JC and Chris!”
HER: “Jazzy & Kiss???”
ME: “YEP! And you’ll be a good girl right?”
HER: “Cubby?”
ME: “Yes, Cubby’s coming too.”
ME: “Are you gonna be a good girl”
HER: (see photo below)
(This is her attitude pic. where she raises her hands and argues with me like JC)
(This is the signal for ALL DONE, which is the point where she finished telling me off)
ME: “You know Gracie, that’s a lot of attitude for a 17 month old, you might be spending too much time with your uncles.”
HER: “Jazzy! Kiss!”
Pray for us!