Dear Saint,
You’re 6 months old! Can you believe it? I can’t, but I should seeing as how I brought you into this world just 6 months ago.
I’m sure by the time your sister was 6 months, I had written her countless of open letters. I’m sure they said things like Gracie, you are this and you are that and you are amazing– and even 3 years later I am still trying to find just the right words to describe your sister.I could write a 300 page book about your sister and by the end of the read I likely still wouldn’t be able to contain all that she is into one word, one sentence, or one phrase.
If I was writing about you however I wouldn’t need a book or even a sentence- I can sum you up in one single word. You Jude, are PEACEFUL. That’s your word and that’s who you are.
When they placed you on my chest 6 months ago you were hot to the touch; you were literally red. You cried and I said “Hey Jude”( I waited to say that for months). They gave you back to me and we’ve been in a snuggle lovefest ever since. In those early weeks Daddy and I thought it was a fluke when you would sleep all night only waking to feed and literally never crying or uttering a single sound. We kept waiting for the “other shoe to drop,” only it never did. You simply fit into our life. Your transition from one world to this one was seamless; when you sleep I believe you are still visiting heaven.
I speak to you all of the time, you’ve never uttered a word; they’re the best conversations I’ve ever had.
You are so much more than one word, but you are so simply summed up in that one beautiful word. The word that people strive their entire lives to become. The word that folks travel to distant lands in an attempt to find. The word that when achieved means you are closer to your best self, a higher power, and a bigger purpose. A word that if anyone had a real genie and three wishes, one is always for your word. A word that I have needed my whole life. Peace. You are full of peace.
Your peace gives our lives meaning and purpose. You make things better and you’ve never said a word.
*You do say Da-Da over and over but that doesn’t count because what you clearly mean is Mama.*
*Also that last pic, it only looks like your sister is trying to hurt you, I assure you I will not let that happen.*