Dear New Baby,
I wish you were already here, but I know there will be a day in the not so distant future where I’ll be up in the middle of the night feeding you and reading over these words. I’ll think to myself- you could wait. It was easier with this kid inside. But truthfully little one ( and future self) it’s not as much fun.
Here is what I know about you. You don’t wake up in the morning without your coffee. Somewhere after breakfast and during Good Morning America when I have coffee, you will stretch and roll, kick and claw. You really love coffee with cream….and prefer it hot. No ice.
You knock again around 11am when you start to get hungry for lunch, a short nap, and then by 1pm when I start my work day we’ll say hello again and you don’t let up until around 4pm when you hear your sister start to stir. You are equal parts intrigued and maddened by her. When she cries or screams you jump to one side of my belly and if she is playing with you, you’ll jump to the other. Occasionally you will cuddle up to her. I will say you always always rise to meet her.
By 6 you’re starving and by 9pm you are ready for a dance party. Could I possibly have two children who like the nightlife and love to boogie?
The night time is the right time as far as you’re concerned and though I check out somewhere in the 9pm hour you are up most of the night but particularly at 1am and between 3-4am and that’s when I join you again. No rest for the weary right? It’s cool I’ve learned your ebb and flow and have decided I get much more work done at 4am then I ever have before.
You’re Father’s voice is a trigger for kicks. My voice seems to lull you into sleep. You have mostly no reaction to music and according to my last midwife appointment you are extremely happy and refuse to move down. Just so you know you’ll be punished upon your arrival should you not come out by your due date. I hate to be tough kid, but it’s hot and your sister transfers 33 lbs of dead weight to my hips every hour or so.
Yesterday I googled “signs of labor” you’ll be happy to know we have them all. Is this who you’ll be? Will you be the child who is so mellow, so calm, so happy to sleep and stretch and eat and sleep some more? Your sister loved music when she lived in my belly. Seriously her first kick was to Pretty Wings by Maxwell and then Ego, by Beyonce. And you know what? Now she can sing those songs and often does. If that’s the case maybe you are a coffee drinking, laid back, beach kind of kid. I’m cool with that, just don’t make me have to come in there after you okay? I’d hate to disrupt your vibe.