I’ve been thinking of what I’ll call this little man on this blog and how can I top “Sunshine” or, “Sunny”, as in THE SUN. Literally the light of this world, the fire ball our planet rotates around- hard to top or even compare too. Unless you’re Jude.
So we’ll call him Saint for the purpose of this blog. Saint Jude, my son. The greatest creation since sliced bread and fermented grapes. And yes for the record, I have definitely become that mother.
How can I properly introduce you to him. Lets start with this, he was two weeks early- what a good boy! An all natural birth- not even a tylenol. I went to the hospital for a check up at 10am, started laboring at 11am , went back to the hospital with Matt at 6:30pm, had my water broken at 7:30pm, and had Jude (ahem) Saint Jude at 8:40pm. All I remember ( besides the pain, that’s seared into my memory for life) is this warm red skinned little man. He was beautiful in that moment, he is so full of life in every moment since.
Did I ever tell you I wanted all girls? Don’t ask me why when I have a brother who I adore, but I did. I thought, how would I ever relate to a baby boy, but then I had Saint and God knows life opened up for me. How could I love anyone the way I love my Sainted boy. How I adore and love and cradle and obsess over this amazing little man. And it’s not just me- we are all equal parts- in love with him.
He is calm like still water. He is easy and wonderfully attentive and his eyes sparkle when they are open. He is quiet and cute, silent and strong, perfectly perfect in every possible way.
It’s true what they say, love expands. My cup runneth over, my heart skips beats, my babies are the most wonderful gift the creator has sent to me. I love them beyond words, beyond measure, beyond exhaustion. Saint Jude makes life better somehow- and it was already so damn good. I am so grateful for this beautiful little man. Oh, how I love them. It hurts a little bit. It hurts in the deepest part of my soul reserved for only my children and Matt.
My little rays of light, my Sun and my Saint and my heart just skipped another beat.
PS. Matt is reading over my shoulder and thinks this is the sappiest blog I’ve ever written. Maybe it is- but come on!!!!! He’s divine ( another heavenly word!)