Sunny had her very first music class today.
There was singing, dancing, instruments, scarves, and egg shakers.
This is pretty much as excited as Sunny got. As I told a good friend today when I told Sunny we were going to music class this morning she was excited. However upon realizing that the music was “baby” songs and Drake wouldn’t be cutting in with 16 bars, nor would Brittney bust out a chorus of “Ohhhhhhhh wha oh wha oh oh” Sunny lost interest early on.
A little Beyonce, wouldn’t hurt- I’m just sayin’.
In other news remember all those weeks ago when Matt and I took a little trip to VA for a wedding? I found a few cell phone pics that we took in the warm Virginia farmland where the wedding was held.
The dress is A+O and Matt is holding some sort of napkin to absorb the gallon of sweat he sweat while at the beautiful wedding.
Finally- did I share this pic with you guys already? If so then tough- I mean how cute is this damn hat?
I have literally 50 pictures of Sunny in this hat! I’m not kidding- I’m going to post them this week… SEE!!!!!!! Just when you thought you had nothing to look forward too!