**SIDE NOTE: My computer is having some iphoto issues- bare with me as I figure this darn issue out! No one reads this blog for my words- but for my AWESOME photos 🙂 ***
She won’t always be this little. I must say this to myself 100 times a day. I say it often when she is throwing tantrums- sort of a “this too shall pass” and then I say it again and again when she tries to climb her highchair at breakfast, when she runs awkwardly down the sidewalk, when she climbs into my lap with her books. I say it when I take these photos every month- a 31 day reminder that time does in fact march forward…ready or not.
I have this one baby. She is everything I dreamed of and much much more. She is soft and fierce, determined and righteous. She is a giant personality in a tiny body, her curly mullet growing into just curls.
She is making friends all by herself now too. Granted they are ALWAYS 3 years old and up- because in her world she is not “a baby.” She can count to 3, say almost anything, and screams GO!!!! whenever the light turns green at an intersection. I tell you this not to chart her development but because one day I will forget what 18 months feels and sounds like, and this blog helps me remember. I wish to also remember how she mirrors everything I do- like when we sit on the couch Indian style with our hands in our hair, just talking and giving kisses. Or how she eats Life cereal at 5:00am with her Daddy before he leaves for work, but insist on sitting at the stool, because again high chairs are for “babies.” I will miss this time with my baby girl- my only girl. This season of life that includes just the three of us.
She can no longer sit still for her monthly photo 🙁 So I’ve had to resort to chasing her around parks with my cell phone while holding her popsicle.