She’s teething and sad and crying and not in the mood for a photo shoot.
Well we got one smile! And while we’re here lets look back 12 months ago…
The photo on my Facebook page is Sunny at 13 months. I keep having to remind myself that that was over 2 months ago now. It’s a little hard to let go, but God gives us time. 31 days go by with story times, dance parties, trips to the museum, play dates with friends, tons of berries to eat, and new words said. 31 days pass and she is 31 days bigger, brighter, somehow more brilliant. I get 31 days each month to smooth her curls, kiss her cheeks, chase her around the living room, and show her bits and pieces of this wide wide world.
Lately she’s been telling me “Mama NO WAY!!!” with such force and attitude that I stop whatever it is I’m doing. She recognizes her friends and screams with joy when she sees them. She learned somewhere in the last 31 days how to express excitement and love toward people she loves. This is not a religious blog, but I sometimes have to marvel at the gift I’ve been given. There is no happy bigger then this happy, this house, this family, this girl.
Happy 15 month birthday to my Sunshine girl, with your Billy Crystal curls 🙂